
Kurdish activist says world has seen truth about Turkey

Giran Ozcan works for the Kurdistan Solidarity Committee in Latin America; he arrived two months ago to Argentina and on Tuesday, Oct. 21, he was one of the organizers of a rally in front of the Turkish Embassy in Argentina to support the resistance of the Kurdish people in the Syrian city of Kobane, which is currently battling the Islamic State (ISIS) and the Turkish governmen, Agencia Prensa Armenia reports.

“We are trying to raise awareness of the resistance in Kobane. The Islamic State for the past forty days has been attacking a little town called Kobane. The fighters of the city have been defending themselves,” said Ozcan in an interview with Prensa Armenia. On Nov. 1 there will be a global demonstration in solidarity with the Kurdish people.

“What we are asking the Turkish state is to remove the blockade they have been putting on the city. They are not allowing Turkish people to enter or help defend the city, and they are not allowing for supplies to enter the city. In other words, they are objectively aiding ISIS in trying to occupy Kobane,” he adds

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