
Naira Zohrabyan: Baku’s Nuremberg is still ahead

Baku’s Nuremberg is still ahead, member of the Armenian delegation said at PACE during the discussion of a report on the protection of children at times of conflict presented by Azerbaijani MP Sevinj Fataliyeva.

Zohrabyan briefed PACE members on Azerbaijan’s policy of Armenophobia and urged Fataliyeva to demonstrate the political courage to accept that hatred towards Armenia is state policy in Azerbaijan.

“We are discussing a very sensitive and important issue of protecting children from armed conflicts. Today we have a cruel statistics of children that fell victim to the armed conflicts in Syria, Yemen and Myanmar. The statistics of children killed by the Islamic State is as cruel,” the lawmaker said.

She added, however, that “children face violence not only in the hotspots, but also on the territory of states in cold war.”

“To any rational person there can be no difference where the child comes from – Syria, Yemen, Armenia or Azerbaijan, Zohrabyan said. She reminded that Azerbaijan started a four-day war in 2016, targeting the secondary school in the village of Nerkin Chartar and killing 12-year-old Vaghinak Grigoryan and injuring two others. “What is this if not a state policy of targeting civilians and populated areas?”

Zohrabyan added that on the same day, on April 2 the Azerbaijani forces killed elderly people in the village of Talish and mutilated soldiers’ bodies.

“If we want to protect our children, we have to protect their souls and minds, to protect them from the propaganda of hatred and xenophobia.

“Anyway, I am optimistic and believe that Baku’s Nuremberg is still ahead,” Naira Zohraban concluded.

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