
Armenian to be taught at ten foreign institutions

The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports has significantly expanded the funding for the teaching of Armenian and other Armenia-related subjects abroad.

In 2020-21academic year, the teaching will be expanded to ten institutions across eight countries, namely at Charles University in the  Czech Republic (Czech Republic), the Bucharest University in Romania, the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and Sapienza University of Rome (Italy), the University of Salzburg in Austria, the Cairo University (Egypt), the John F. Kennedy  University in Argentina, the Lepsius House-Museum in Potsdam, the Mesrop Center for Armenian Studies in Halle (Germany) and the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (Russia).

The Ministry thus pursues the goal of supporting the popularization of the Armenian language and Armenian studies in foreign universities and research centers. The program also provides an opportunity to make the Armenian culture and identity better known, to boost the international interest in our people and culture and to promote the preservation of Armenian values in the local Armenian communities.

Teaching will be carried out mainly by local Armenologists, sometimes by a specialist sent from Armenia (University of Bucharest).

The legal status of Armenian is different. Armenian is taught for three years for linguists at the University of Ca Foscari in Venice. It is an optional subject in Bucharest. Other Armenia-related subjects such as Armenian History, History of Armenian Christianity, Armenian Literature, etc. will be taught in Prague and Salzburg.

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