Christian Churches offer support to nations ubjected to genocide
A common declaration was adopted at the ecumenical session of the global Forum “Against the Crime of Genocide” held under the auspices of the Mother See of Holy
”Churches Against Genocides – Human Life as a Gift of God”
April 21-22, 2015
Yerevan, Armenia
By the mercy of God and in glorification to the All Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we, the leaders, the representatives of the Christian Churches and ecumenical organizations, participating in the Ecumenical Session of the Forum in the land of Biblical Mount Ararat – Armenia, which has been evangelized by the apostles Sts. Thaddeus and Bartholomew under the stewardship of the Armenian Holy Apostolic Church, on the occasion of the commemoration of the 100th Anniversary and the Canonization of the Martyrs of the Armenian Genocide, solemnly declare:
Guided by the Christian truth and God-given commandments on the sacredness and inviolability of life that it is created by and belongs to God; (Genesis.1:27; Exodus 20:13, John 1:4);
Believing in the sacred mission of the Church of Christ aimed at establishing peace in the world and solidarity amongst people;
Bearing witness that the Church is called to the salvation of souls and to the mission of protecting life on earth;
- we reaffirm that the violence and killings based on national, religious, ethnic and racial discrimination have no justification and statute of limitations;
- we condemn the genocides and all crimes, which endanger peace and human security, being the manifestation of evil and sin against humanity;
- we condemn the ongoing ethnic and religious violence in the world, especially in the Middle East, which cause painful human losses and irreversible destruction of spiritual and cultural values and heritage;
- we are convinced that to prevent the similar crimes in the future is of utmost importance to recognize and condemn all crimes of genocide, absolutely reject the denial and to pursuit the claim for reparation;
- we offer our support to nations who have been subjected to genocide and are committed to stand for defending human dignity and peace among the nations;
- we call upon the leaders of the nations, individuals and the people of good will to join forces in creating a just and harmonious world free from suffering and violence;
- we pray for the souls of the martyrs of the Armenian Genocide and all victims of crimes against humanity and ask the Almighty God to strengthen us in our pursuit for establishing peace and justice in the world.