
Opinion poll shows rising trust for European Union in Armenia

Sixty per cent of Armenians trust the European Union, more than any other international institution and 17 points up on two years ago, while almost three-quarters of those asked (74%) think relations between the EU and Armenia are good, according to the 2023 annual opinion survey in Armenia, EU Neighbors East reports.

The survey was conducted in February 2023 and involved face-to-face interviews with a representative sample of 1,000 people across the country. The opinion polls have been carried out annually by the EU NEIGHBOURS EAST programme project in Armenia and the five other countries of the Eastern Neighborhood region Partnership since 2016.

This year’s survey also found that 69% of Armenians were aware of the EU’s financial support to their country (compared to 62% in 2016), and that 37% thought it was effective (only 12% thought it wasn’t). A very large majority (82%) was aware that the EU has a Delegation in Armenia.

Only 10% of Armenians have a negative image of the EU, compared to almost half (47%) who have a positive image – up five percentage points since last year – and 38% who felt neutral.

Most Armenians (72%) would like the EU to play a greater role in strengthening the country’s defence, while 40% would like more support for health care, and 31% for education.

The survey also found that media sources in Armenia conveyed a positive (49%) or neutral (33%) image of the EU, and that nearly all citizens (90%) would like to have more better access to information about the EU.

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