
Facebook gives users ‘more control’ over news feed

Facebook says it is introducing new features to give people more control over what appears in their news feeds.

The social network has been under intense scrutiny in recent years for how its algorithms promote content.

Now, it says it is testing controls to “adjust people’s ranking preferences” and customize the feed.

That includes, for example, increasing the number of posts from friends and family, and decreasing those from groups and pages.

It will also make controls that already exist “easier to access”, it said – such as the favorites and snooze features, which largely live inside a settings sub-menu.

“We’ll begin testing in countries around the world to a small percentage of people, gradually expanding in the coming weeks,” Facebook said in its announcement post.

“As part of this, people can now increase or reduce the amount of content they see from the friends, family, Groups and Pages they’re connected to and the topics they care about in their News Feed Preferences,” the statement reads.

“We’re also making existing controls easier to access, including Favorites, Snooze, Unfollow and Reconnect. We’ll begin testing in countries around the world to a small percentage of people, gradually expanding in the coming weeks. This is part of our ongoing work to give people more control over News Feed, so they see more of what they want and less of what they don’t. We’ll continue to share our progress as we test and learn,” Facebook said.

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