
Israeli PM scraps war cabinet after key departures

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has dissolved his six-member war cabinet, just over a week after the departure of centrist opposition leader Benny Gantz and his ally Gadi Eisenkot, the BBC reports.

Israeli media report that sensitive issues about the war with Hamas in Gaza will now be discussed by a smaller forum.

Mr Netanyahu had faced demands from far-right ministers in his governing coalition to join the war cabinet, which could have further strained ties with the US and other international allies.

A spokesman for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said that, as far as it was concerned, it would not affect the chain of command.

Mr Gantz and Mr Eisenkot quit over the prime minister’s leadership, including the lack of a plan for post-conflict Gaza.

The two former military chiefs had joined a national unity government with Mr Netanyahu’s right-wing coalition days after the start of the war in October.

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