
Armenian National Assembly to host hearings on the proposal to hold referendum on EU membership bid

At the initiative of the Standing Committee on European Integration, on June 21 the Armenian National Assembly will host hearings on the proposal to hold a referendum on EU membership bid.

The initiative came from the Platform of democratic forces and the civil society, Chair of the Standing Committee on European Integration Arman Yeghoyan said at the sitting of the Committee today.

According to Hovsep Khurshudyan, head of the Free Citizen NGO, some public opinion polls indicate that the majority of citizens wants Armenia to be integrated to the EU as a full-fledged member.

According to Arman Babajanyan, head of the “For the Republic” party, the referendum aims to increase Armenia’s resilience.

Chairman Arman Yeghoyan and members of the Committee welcomed the initiative to hold parliamentary hearings.

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