
Park in the heart of Paris named after Charles Aznavour

The park near the Champs-Élysées avenue and the famous Concorde square was named after Charles Aznavour on the occasion of the singer’s 100th anniversary.

Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo, Armenia’s Ambassador to France Hasmik Tolmajyan, Mayor of the 8th arrondissement of Paris Jeanne d’Hauteserre, as well as Charles Aznavour’s family represented by his son Nicolas Aznavour, Chairman of the Board of the “Aznavour” Foundation, participated in the opening ceremony.

The ceremony was also attended by a number of parliamentarians, foreign diplomats accredited in Paris, representatives of organizations, famous French social, political and cultural figures, hundreds of French citizens and French-Armenians.

Ambassador Hasmik Tolmajian expressed gratitude to Mayor Anne Hidalgo for the beautiful initiative to open a park in the heart of Paris, bearing the name of the world-famous artist of Armenian origin, Charles Aznavour, and perpetuating his immortal memory.

The Ambassador emphasized that Aznavour has repeatedly glorified the city of Paris in his songs, considering it the symbolic starting point of the most important events of his life. With his unique voice and touching songs, Charles Azanvoor has managed to capture millions of hearts, becoming an immortal legend of world music.

The Ambassador referred to the great artist’s invaluable role in strengthening the thousand-year-old Armenian-French friendship and the privileged relations between his two homelands, Armenia and France. As Aznavour said, “I feel 100 percent Armenian and 100 percent French at the same time. Armenia is the dream of all Armenians. It is the tears and sorrow of our parents, a unique world that we cherish in a corner of our hearts.”

The Ambassador also emphasized Charles Aznavour’s important contribution to the recognition of the Armenian Genocide and his unshakable faith in the rebirth of Armenia and the best future despite the difficult challenges faced by the Armenian people. Although the famous singer visited Armenia for the first time back in 1963, as the artist later admitted, “it was after the devastating earthquake of 1988 and the massacres against the Armenian people of Nagorno-Karabakh that I truly realized that our people and our roots need us. It seemed that Armenia had already fully paid the price of the tragedy that happened in 1915, but our country again appeared under threats and pogroms, facing the endless repetition of history. At that time, I realized that I have a duty to think not only about my glory, but to use it to help my people.”

Ambassador Tolmajyan mentioned that the world-famous artist who embodies France and represents the entire Armenian people became a faithful companion of the Armenian statehood after the independence of Armenia, becoming its official ambassador and bringing his unfailing contribution to all initiatives carried out for the sake of Armenia.

In her speech, Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo emphasized the importance of opening of a park in the heart of Paris, perpetuating the memory of the world-renowned Armenian artist, considering it a unique symbol of the solidarity of the city of Paris and Armenian-French friendship towards the Armenian people. Mayor Hidalgo also announced that soon a statue of Charles Aznavour will be placed in the park and the park will serve not only to perpetuate the memory of the Great Artist, but will also turn into a place where millions of people will be able to communicate with his great legacy.

Charles Aznavour’s on Nicolas expressed his gratitude to Mayor Hidalgo for the opening of the park bearing his name in the heart of Paris, so loved by the great singer, describing it as a special manifestation of commemorating the memory of the artist and glorifying his art, as well as the Armenian Embassy for its committed support to this important initiative.

Some of Charles Aznavour’s most famous songs were played during the ceremony. At the end of the event, the Armenian Ambassador, the Mayors of Paris and the 8th arrondissement of Paris and Nicolas Aznavour solemnly opened the plaque announcing the naming of the park after Charles Aznavour, French artist, National Hero of Armenia.

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