
Does the gas of your Azerbaijani friends count more than the lives of Armenians? French Senator calls on European leaders to take action

French Senator Valerie Boyer calls on European leaders to break the silence and take action after a video of execution of Armenian prisoners of war emerged on social media.

“Atrocious authenticated video of Armenian prisoners executed on September 13 by Azeris. Still no reaction from President Emmanuel Macron and President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen. Does the gas of your Azeri friends count more than the lives of Armenians?’ she said in a Twitter post.

“Shocked by these images that I discover with horror and anger. The more Turkish-Azerbaijani abuses continue, the less I understand and support the shameful silence and French and European inaction.Why such indifference?” Mrs Boyer continued.

“What are you waiting for to act for small and democratic Armenia? Waiting for the Azeris and their Turkish allies to finish the genocide of 1915? Is the blood of Armenians worth less than that of Ukrainians?” the Senator said.

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