FIFA, the world’s football governing body, has announced a number of measures affecting Russia’s participation in international games, but stopped short of imposing an outright ban, the BBC reports.
It said that no international competition would be played on Russian territory, the country would compete under the name “Football Union of Russia (RFU)”, and that no Russian flag or anthem would be used in RFU matches.
It said any “home” matches would be played on neutral territory – without spectators, and that the measures would be “applicable until further notice”.
Poland has reacted angrily, saying they will not play against Russia, “no matter what the name of the team is.”
FIFA’s statement also condemned Russia’s use of force in Ukraine and said it would “continue its ongoing dialogue with the IOC, UEFA and other sport organizations to determine any additional measures or sanctions.”
The organization had come under pressure to act in recent days as football associations across Europe announced that their teams would refuse to play in any games against Russia.
In the UK, the FA also announced this evening that the England team wouldn’t play any matches against Russia “for the foreseeable future.”