
Small donation for a big cause in Artsakh: Arsinée Khanjian joins “We are our Forests” campaign

Canadian Armenian actress Arsinée Khanjian has joined FPWC’s “We are our Forests” campaign, which aims to provide emergency relief to the forests and ecosystems of Artsakh.

“This is a most timely campaign both for short term remedy required for our beloved Artsakh and the South Caucasus in general. I have donated to the FPWC organization for various ecological projects and seen Armenia benefit from those projects through education, engagement, preservation of nature, and advocacy for our homeland’s biodiversity,” Arsinée Khanjian said in a Facebook post.

She called on her 25 thousand followers to send at least one dollar to cover half of the campaigns need.

The Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets launched its We are our Forests campaign as part of its Aid for Artsakh project, in order to provide emergency relief to the forests and ecosystems of Artsakh. 

By raising $50,000, the FPWC will be able to plant 50 000 site-specific trees as part of its mission to protect and conserve the biodiversity of the region.

Trees will be grown in a tree nursery owned by FPWC with a Target Plant Concept(TPC) methodology. The TPC is an effective framework for selecting seedlings based on specific characteristics best-suited to a given site. These characteristics are often scientifically derived from testing the factors that can be linked to outplanting success, such as seedling morphology and physiology, genetic source, and overcoming limiting factors on outplanting sites. The method allows to have very high survival rates (80-90%).

The growing cycle will begin in March, 2021. By October, 2021 plants will be ready for the outplanting. The planting season starts from mid-October to late November. The days can vary based on weather conditions. It’s also possible to maintain some part of the trees during winter and plant during March and early April neat year.

Donations can be made here.

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