Professor Justin McCarthy, a well funded denier of the Armenian Genocide, has had two planned events in Sydney and Melbourne cancelled on the grounds of his unwelcome denialist views, the Armenian National Committee of Australia reports.
McCarthy was due to address audiences at the University of Melbourne and at the New South Wales Art Gallery this week, however, each institution revoked McCarthy’s opportunity after learning of his abhorrent denialist views on the Armenian Genocide.
Executive Director of the Armenian National Committee of Australia (ANC Australia), Vache Kahramanian welcomed the independent decision taken by both institutions.
“Justin McCarthy’s views have no place in Australia and no institution or venue should ever allow a genocide denier to utilize their stage,” said Kahramanian.
“Genocide denial is the final act of genocide against victims and surviving generations. As a proud multicultural nation we should never allow the denigration of the memory of victims of genocide,” Kahramanian added.
McCarthy is due to address a private gathering in Parliament House, Canberra, on November 21st.
ANC Australia has written to all Members of Parliament, informing them of McCarthy’s denalist views and to ensure they do not allow Parliament House to be used as a platform for McCarthy’s denialist views.